Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dangers of the East Coast

Come Read Dangers of the East Coast Part 2!
This breaks down the various regions and states and explores why each has a unique threat and pattern for hurricanes!


Keep safe!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dangers of the East Coast

Part 2 of the Special Series "Dangers of the East Coast" can be found here:

This is a close look at East Coast hurricanes, how each state is different in terms of storms and storm damage and how well government agencies respond.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dangers of the East Coast

Special Series: Dangers of the East Coast

Part 1 – Anatomy of a Hurricane
The dangers for people living on the east coast involve phenomena that you are probably familiar with: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods and even Earthquakes.
In Part 1 of this exciting series, we will examine Hurricanes. Click here to check out the full article:

A great overview of safety tips on Surviving a Hurricane can also be found at: http://www.examiner.com/x-20121-Savannah-EMT-Examiner

Remember, storms are indiscriminate! They can destroy any part of the coastline and bring storm surge to communities over hundreds of miles. They don't recognize the borders of states or countries. Everyone can be affected and it takes a lot of coordination to prepare to save lives and property.

You can help by passing these articles and links to friends, family and neighbors who may be affected.

Current evacuation routes are not really adequate for getting everyone safely off these East Coast islands and amongst emergency management officials, fear runs high that masses of people may become trapped and die, as occurred after Hurricane Katrina.

Keep Safe!